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Customer analysing the usage data from CPS®vend Online Service Centre

Data transparency
via the CPS®vend Online Service Centre

Our CPS®vend systems are connected to a 4G mobile network, directly transmitting all information to our Online  Service Centre.  This allows us to receive your orders instantly, but more importantly, allowing you to access all your data, anywhere, anytime. Our online platform records all your dispensed (removed) items from the machines - immediately indicating when stock replenishment is required.

Usage details 

  • Know who took what, when and how many parts

  • All details in full transparency

  • User picks, with name, date, time and quantities taken

  • Login logs

  • Replenishment logs

  • Order transmission, with date and time

  • Product management (item allocation)

Example of CPS®vend Online Service Centre Usage Details

Managing new or existing users 

  • Directly at the machine or via our online platform

  • User creation/modification/deletion

  • Change employee access rights

  • Black list specific items for specific users

  • Upload a new users list 

Example of CPS®vend Online Service Centre Management settings

Technical Support

Supporting you has never been this easy!

Our instant remote access to the CPS®vend machines via the 4G network enables our team to guide you through the different steps. Our team of experts are available anytime to visit your site if a matter cannot be solved remotely - (99% of the matters are generally solved remotely).

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Keeping systems up-to-date is our main goal!

Our dedicated team of developers evolve and update our systems on a regular basis, to ensure our CPS®vend machines continually offer you the best experience.

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